Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My resolutions

I know this is a bit delayed but since i have nothing much to do, i thought of listing down the things i would like to do or achieve this year (if possible), so here goes:

1. Go somewhere away from Malaysia, it doesn't really matter where.
2. Get another Tattoo this year on my ankle.
3. Try to stop drinking as much as i do.
4. Maybe get my driving license?
5. Try to go to redang or perhentian.
6. Try to loose weight (although i think this one kinda hard to achieve)
7. To blog more often now since i have a blog now..haha
8. To play volleyball now every week at the Lims.
9. Keep in touch with old friends
10. Try to be nicer to certain people even though they tend to annoy me most of the time
11. Try to find a new job since i'm un-employed at the moment.
12. Stop buying too many shoes and clothes...(haha...Don't think this is possible too)
13. Spend more time with my family.
14. Reduce my clubbing (even though i don't club much)
15. Try to save money.

Ok so that's it for now, or at least this is as much i can think of right now....if i do have more, i'll update again..

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